Announcing a Pregnancy: When Should You Do It and How?

For many, discovering you’re expecting is one of the most exciting moments of your life – even more so when you get to share it with your loved ones.

But wait – there are unwritten rules when it comes to announcing a pregnancy. Naturally, the first person you’ll want to tell is your partner, but getting creative with how you tell them could make the whole experience a thousand times better. It’ll also mean you’ll have a treasured memory to share forever.

Once you’ve informed your partner, you’ll probably want to tell friends and family, but how and when to do it might need a little more consideration.

A pregnancy announcement is a big deal, so we wanted to take a look at what the “rules” are, and how you can make the announcement extra memorable.

When to Announce a Pregnancy

Deciding when’s best to share your news can be awkward.

Do you tell people individually? Or do you announce it en masse?

Do you do it as early as possible? Or wait until later on?

If you’re not keen on being the centre of attention, you might prefer to wait until later in your pregnancy before letting people know. There are a few good reasons for doing this.

The first twelve weeks of a pregnancy can be the most delicate, with baby developing at a tremendous rate. There is however a heightened risk of miscarriage, so traditionally it was said to be bad luck to announce your news before the second trimester. Whilst this isn’t the case at all, letting everyone know does add some pressure, so being sure of where things are heading before telling your nearest and dearest could be a good thing.

Second to this, if you’re not one to enjoy being fussed over, announcing a pregnancy early could mean that you suddenly have a whole host of people wanting to be involved. While that’s not necessarily a bad thing, it could mean that you become overwhelmed and the excitement could wear off come the end of your pregnancy.

If you’re still not sure when the right time to announce your pregnancy is, here are a few things to get you thinking about which option might be right for you:

  • Early pregnancy announcement  

It might be that there’s just no way you can keep such a monumental secret from your loved ones. If you think that keeping your secret would be harder to deal with than letting it out, it might be a good idea to let close friends and family know earlier to minimise stress. It’ll also mean you’ve got a network of people at your disposal should you need any help.

What’s more, if you work in a job that requires physical activity, letting your workplace know ASAP could mean that your duties are altered to accommodate you.

Another reason for wanting to announce your pregnancy before you reach your second trimester could be that you’re starting to show, or suffering symptoms that are hard to keep quiet (like not-just-in-the-morning-sickness). In these situations letting people know could take a lot weight off your shoulders.

  • Mid-pregnancy announcement

Sharing the good news between 12-20 weeks of pregnancy is the most common choice for many women and couples. This generally means that you’ve had your first scan and (if you’ve chosen to know) discovered the gender of your baby.

One reason for holding back is that some prenatal tests aren’t available until the second trimester. If things have been a little touch and go during the early stages, the clarification these tests provide can really help put your mind at ease.

Likewise, if this isn’t your first pregnancy and your previous experience wasn’t particularly pleasant, you might be a little apprehensive about announcing your news until you’re certain everything is going to plan.

By the time you reach the second trimester any morning sickness is likely to have subsided, you can be more confident about where things are heading, and you can start enjoying being pregnant. Announcing mid-pregnancy will also mean that the excitement can be shared with your loved ones and that excitement will likely remain for the rest of your pregnancy.

  • Late pregnancy announcement

You might wish to announce your pregnancy later on for a number of reasons - often because things haven’t been going exactly to plan.

Unfortunately it’s rarely easy to keep things quiet as your bump starts to grow, though it is more doable if you're keeping the news from people you aren't seeing in person. That said, you can’t guarantee the people you do tell won’t excitedly pass on the news.

Some mums choose to wait until late in their pregnancy to announce it because they’re not up to taking uninvited comments or “advice”. If your circumstances mean this could be a thing, waiting until you’ve settled into your pregnancy and got everything sorted might be an option for you.

Others decide to keep quiet because they want to avoid upset in their professional lives. While some workplaces are very supportive, others are less so, and (while legally it shouldn’t) it can affect how you’re treated. While it’s not advisable to do this in case anything happens, holding out for as long as possible will mean less time for things to deviate from what you’re used to.

It is worth bearing in mind that it can be very hard to hide a third-trimester pregnancy, especially from people you interact with in person. Some may figure it out on their own and wonder why you're not telling, setting tongues wagging.

Regardless of when you decide to announce your pregnancy, the decision is ultimately yours and yours alone. Just make sure you’re comfortable and in control of spreading the news.

How to Announce a Pregnancy

Figuring out how to announce a pregnancy can be a tricky one. Who do you tell first?

Usually, the first port of call would be your partner. Allowing them to share in those first moments can be magical; especially if your pregnancy was planned and you’ve both been anticipating this moment. It will also mean you’ve got time to take stock of the situation as a couple and can move forward with making a more public announcement together.

Next, you would normally tell your close family. Telling any other children you have that they’re going to be a big brother or sister would likely be step one. Letting your parents know they’re going to be getting a new grandchild would be step two.

From there, once you’re happy that the most important people in your lives are up to speed, you’d make a broader announcement to close friends and your extended family.

Telling people at different times does have its advantages. It means that you get to share the excitement again and again, but if something goes wrong, you don't have to explain things repeatedly to many acquaintances.

However you decide to announce your pregnancy, don’t feel pressured into telling people. It might be that people start to notice, and they might try to get information out of you, but who you tell and when is totally your choice.

Creative Ways to Announce a Pregnancy

So you’ve just found out you’re pregnant and you want to tell the world, but you also want it to be totally memorable because this is the biggest news of your whole life.

First things first, you need to tell your partner. But how do you do it? This is likely one of the greatest things you’ll ever share and you’ll probably want the moment to be perfect. With that in mind, here are some creative yet simple ways to tell your partner you’re pregnant:

  • Hide some baby clothes

When we say hide, we mean in plain sight. Place them somewhere you know they’re likely to look, otherwise you could be waiting weeks!

  • Create a new parent box

Even if it’s just a small box filled with new parent essentials such as books, this is a great (and pretty obvious) way to let your partner know you’re about to embark on a new adventure.

  • Get your pets involved

Often, pets are like kids, so why not include them in the fun? Personalise a T-shirt for your pooch or kitty, with a message declaring the news. Don’t get too cryptic though - you want your partner to get the message pretty quickly!

There are a million ways to announce your pregnancy to your partner and these cute ideas from The Bump are bound to go down a treat.

If you have other children, letting them know they’re going to be getting a new partner in crime is one of the greatest joys you and your partner will share, so here are a few fun ways to tell your kids you’re pregnant:

  • Write them a letter

If your child is of reading age, a letter from the new addition could be the perfect way to introduce them. Write about how excited they are to meet them and remind them of how great they’re going to be as a big brother or sister.

  • Send them on a treasure hunt

Let them work things out for themselves by providing clues which lead to a final announcement. Not only will you be able to enjoy their excitement whilst figuring out the clues, but their realisation will be priceless (hopefully in a good way!)

  • Take them to your first scan

If you don’t want to tell them immediately, getting them involved with your first ultrasound scan is a great way for them to connect with their new sibling. Not only will they be able to see the baby, but they’ll be able to hear them too.

If you’re looking morefun ideas for telling the kids you’re pregnant, this neat little list from Babble should help.

Once you’ve told your nearest and dearest that you’re expecting, you might feel that it’s time to tell the rest of the world. Here are some cute ways to make the announcement:

  • Set up a photo op

A simple yet effective way to tell the world your news (particularly on social media). Print some personalised t-shirts for you and your partner and let the pictures do the talking.

  • Send out greetings cards

This is especially handy around the festive period and for those friends and relatives that you don’t often see in person. Including an image of your ultrasound scan is also a great gift for your loved ones to keep.

Getting creative with your announcement doesn’t have to be expensive; there are loads of simple yet effective ways to let your friends and relatives know you’re pregnant. If you’d like some more inspiration, this fab list of fun pregnancy announcement ideas from Pregnant Chicken is a great place to start.

Sharing the news that you’re pregnant can be daunting, but making the right decision for you doesn’t have to be. Everyone has their reasons for choosing when they announce their pregnancy, and whichever way you choose is the right way for you. In addition, deciding how to let your loved one know your family is about to grow can be as simple or grand as you’d like. Whichever way you choose, it’s always going to be amazing!

Looking to congratulate a loved one on their pregnancy? Why not send a personalised pregnancy card, and package your gift in a personalised pregnancy gift bag?

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