personalised retirement gifts

Gift Bag Bottle Bag

Gift Bag Small Portrait

Gift Bag Small Landscape

Gift Bag Medium Portrait

Lay-down Bottle Box

Upright Bottle Box

Landscape Greetings Card

Portrait Greetings Card

9 Chocolate Box

16 Chocolate Box

25 Chocolate Box

Looking to congratulate a loved one on their retirement? Why not add a personalised touch to their goodbye gifts?

Whether you’re saying farewell to a colleague, family member, or friend, our personalised products are a great way to help them celebrate the biggest achievements in their career.

So if you want to surprise them with a short but sweet gesture, a personalised retirement card is an ideal way to show you care. You can add photos of the most memorable moments in their career, as well as a personalised message – perfect for wishing them well in their leisure years.

Already picked out the perfect retirement gift? We offer a range of retirement gift and bottle bags for you to gift their presents in style, as well as personalised retirement chocolate boxes.

Our gift bags are available in a variety of sizes, come in a high-quality finish, and just like all of our range, can be personalised with photos and messages.

If you’re looking to surprise a soon-to-be retiree with their favourite drink, our bottle bags and boxes will definitely impress. All bottle bags come complete with premium quality rope handles, and feature a high-quality matt finish.