personalised new home gifts

Gift Bag Bottle Bag

Gift Bag Small Portrait

Gift Bag Small Landscape

Gift Bag Medium Portrait

Lay-down Bottle Box

Upright Bottle Box

Landscape Greetings Card

Portrait Greetings Card

9 Chocolate Box

16 Chocolate Box

25 Chocolate Box

Moving into a new home is a big deal. Don’t show up to the housewarming empty-handed; add an extra personal touch to the celebrations with our customisable new home products. From new home bottle bags to greeting cards to say congratulations on the move, with Vanilla Reindeer it’s really easy to show a loved one just how happy you are for them. Moving to a new house is, by all accounts, one of the most stressful events that someone will ever experience, so why not help them relax and get settled in with a bottle of their favourite tipple, presented in a new home bottle box or bag?

Creating your own products has never been easier, and our product editor will become your studio. This is a chance for you to get creative and dig through some old pictures - pay homage to the old abode and celebrate moving on. Once you’re happy with it, we’ll make it and send it over to you.

Moving to a new home is like starting a new chapter of your life; however long or short it may be, it represents something new. Celebrate it and enjoy it; it’s a big day and in many cases, a big achievement. Check out all of our new home products right here.