personalised engagement gifts

Gift Bag Bottle Bag

Gift Bag Small Portrait

Gift Bag Small Landscape

Gift Bag Medium Portrait

Lay-down Bottle Box

Upright Bottle Box

Landscape Greetings Card

Portrait Greetings Card

9 Chocolate Box

16 Chocolate Box

25 Chocolate Box

An engagement is an exciting time for both the happy couple and their loved ones, and what better way to celebrate the start of the next chapter of their life than with a little keepsake or gift? So whether you’re looking for personalised engagement gift bags, gift boxes, or engagement greetings cards, there’s something for everyone at Vanilla Reindeer.

One of our favourite ways to celebrate is by popping open a bottle of bubbly and toasting to the couples health and happiness.

We all know that the best way to wrap a bottle is to pop it in a gift bag or box. However, a standard bottle bag or box can feel a little impersonal when it comes to such a special occasion. At Vanilla Reindeer, we think that the wrapping should be just as special as the gift itself which is why we have designed a personalised engagement collection.

It couldn’t be simpler to wrap it like you mean it with Vanilla Reindeer. Choose whether you’d like to design a gift bag, box, card, or box of chocolates, upload your favourite photographs of the happy couple, add your personalised message, and order. We’ll then make your design a reality; delivering it to your door in time for the party.