personalised anniversary gifts

Gift Bag Small Portrait

Gift Bag Small Landscape

Gift Bag Medium Portrait

Gift Bag Bottle Bag

Upright Bottle Box

Lay-down Bottle Box

Landscape Greetings Card

Portrait Greetings Card

9 Chocolate Box

16 Chocolate Box

25 Chocolate Box

Whether you’re celebrating six months, six years, or six decades together, an anniversary is a time to reflect and celebrate your love for one another.

Many couples choose to celebrate the important moments in their relationship. Perhaps it’s the day they met, the day they made it “official”, or their wedding day - the list is as unique as they are.

To mark such an occasion, you might choose to give your loved one a gift. Just remember, it’s the thought that counts! Whatever way you decide to show them you love them, Vanilla Reindeer are here to help you put the cherry on top and wrap it like you mean it.

Whether you’re looking for a custom anniversary bottle bag, or perhaps a personalised wedding anniversary gift bag, you’ll find it all right here. Adding the personal touch is simple; choose from a selection of anniversary-themed designs, upload your favourite photograph of your partner, or the happy couple, and buy.

So, what are you waiting for? Get hunting through those photo albums now and find the perfect picture to personalise your next gift with Vanilla Reindeer.