Gifting for Birthdays

personalised birthday gifts

Gift Bag Bottle Bag

Gift Bag Small Portrait

Gift Bag Small Landscape

Gift Bag Medium Portrait

Upright Bottle Box

Lay-down Bottle Box

Landscape Greetings Card

Portrait Greetings Card

9 Chocolate Box

16 Chocolate Box

25 Chocolate Box

We believe in making the most important people in our lives feel extra special on their birthday. There are many ways to do this but at Vanilla Reindeer, we want our customers to be able to share special memories on the days that count. Check out our range of personalised birthday products here. They’re a completely unique way to make celebrating birthdays that extra bit more special.

With all of our personalised products, from bottle boxes to gift bags, all you need to do is choose your product and customise it with your favourite photos. Recycling old bottle bags just doesn’t cut the mustard when it comes to your loved ones and their birthday, so show them just how much you care and take them on a trip down memory lane before they’ve even seen their gift.

We think you’ll find the perfect way to spread some joy with our exclusive products. Take your birthday gift giving to the next level and wrap it like you mean it with Vanilla Reindeer.