Why do my Wrapped Presents Always Look so Cr4p!?

They say it’s the thought that counts when it comes to presents, but nobody wants a present that looks as though it’s been wrapped by the blind drunk.

The solution? Start thinking outside that terribly wrapped box and get creative!

Box it real good!

Get your tins out

Before you think of throwing out any plain tins or cardboard boxes, throw them in the back of a cupboard for a rainy day. The simple and solid structure of a tin or cardboard box makes a perfect solution for wrapping awkwardly shaped gifts.


Pringle tubes make great containers for homemade cookies or other small or fragile items.

Bottle Box it!

The dreaded wine bottle has limited options when it comes to wrapping. You either wrap it like a badly wrapped Christmas cracker, or pop it in a boring shiny bag from a supermarket (you know the ones).

BUT FEAR NOT! With Vanilla Reindeer you can put that wine, gin or prosecco bottle in a box, yes that’s right, a BOX for your bottle. Not only that, but you can personalise said box with whatever takes your fancy. Upload a hilarious photo and insert a line or two that will get them laughing their socks off.

The options are endless, but if you’re lacking in a little creativity we have plenty of ideas we’ve been giggling up in our work shop ready for you to view on our website!

Off the shelf wrapping paper is so last decade girl!

Use what you got

Whether you have old fashion magazines, or you rip out the funny sections of the newspapers, using magazine paper is a great way to spice up your presents without forking out on expensive wrapping paper with gold edging and embossed illustrations at £45 per roll.

Whip your tights off

If you’ve got a stash of wacky and weird tights in your drawers, you’re in luck. Using tights as a means of wrapping is a fast and unique way of wrapping the most awkwardly shaped gifts…it also looks pretty retro with the right tights. #BringBackTheRainbowTights!

Make that bad boy sparkle!

Totally snazzy tags

Instead of adding a tag from a crap multi pack or the ones shoved at the back of your drawer, why not make your own? Cut out your old Christmas / Birthday cards and make them into tags with a hole punch and some ribbon. You could even just attach a photo of your face…perhaps a little odd (we love odd) but it saves you writing out who the presents from!


To make sure your paper wrapped gifts look as tight as possible, remember to crease your folds sharply before sticking everything down. Using double sided tape instead of regular tape will also ensure a neater join.

Strings, straws, greens and twigs

Pretty cheap, and damn cool too. Use parcel string (or coloured string if you can find it) and wrap your gifts up rustic style with brown parcel paper. Finish with some branch cuttings (ferns work best) or make twigs into Christmas trees and BOOM! You have yourself a ‘crafted by a millennial’ wrapped gift. How modern.

Just put it in a bloody Vanilla Reindeer bag!

Bags and boxes full of giggles

We have many fun templates to help make your gift bags and boxes look top notch. Find a style you like, whack on your favourite picture of a friend or loved one, add a little message and ta-dah! (P.S you can also be as rude, crude, or as nude as you like with our packaging)! No need for wrapping, you’ll save loads of time and your gift will look fab in our bags.

Oh go on then, let us take it ALL off your hands

You may have designed the most beautiful gift box on our website, but what about the gift itself? Do not fear, Humphry is here… and we have you covered! Our collection of gifts and treats are made to pop perfectly in to your gift box and bags so you really don’t have to worry about a Humphry-diddly-thing!

So, whether you want to get crafty and stick your way to a snazzy wrapped gift or want an easier route with added giggle, Vanilla Reindeer have you sorted!


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